CALSSD logo in white

California  Association  of  Suburban  School  Districts

Register to attend the Suburban School Districts Luncheon with Keynote Speaker Janelle Kubinec, CEO of WestEd, at CSBA’S Annual Education Conference and Trade Show in Anaheim on Friday, December 6th from 12:15 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.


Young asian boy sitting in his classroom desk eagerly raising his hand.

The California Association of Suburban School Districts (CALSSD) is a statewide coalition of districts that advocates for policies and funding to improve education for students in suburban schools.

Recognizing California’s education system of local control and the principles of equity and transparency, CALSSD provides the voice in the state capitol for suburban school districts. Member districts work together to propose and implement strategic reforms needed to better prepare students in California’s diverse suburban communities for success in college, career, and life.

CALSSD brings together board members, superintendents, and key business, curriculum, and instructional professionals from member districts to recommend policies that benefit students in suburban school districts, and to advocate for CALSSD member districts.

“CALSSD is an invaluable resource for those in the school policy making arena. CALSSD provides timely information so that school districts can plan and prepare for better futures. Their advocacy and communication with lawmakers gives us a voice in Sacramento which really benefits the staff, students and families we serve.”

– Cindy Marks, President, Modesto City Schools Board of Education and Former President, California School Boards Association

How CALSSD Makes a Difference

  • Sponsored the first bill to extend the school year and school day.
  • Championed the cause for base level funding in the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF).
  • Established forums to meet with Assembly and Senate leaders, key policy staff, and representatives of the State Superintendent and Governor.
  • Co-sponsored legislation to improve funding for home-to-school transportation.
  • Championed legislation to reduce redundancy in state testing of high school students.
Young female student wearing a graduation cap and gown, and a dimploma in her hand.
Four teenage students using tablets and a male instructor talking to one of them.

What We Do

  • Craft policy agendas, influence legislation, state budget decisions and state policies that will enable suburban school districts to better meet the needs of all students.
  • Collaborate with education and stakeholder organizations including CSBA and ACSA to advance priorities.
  • Host forums to meet with representatives of the Governor, Assembly and Senate leaders, and other key policymakers.
  • Engage with commissions, task forces, and work groups established by the California Department of Education and the State Board of Education to provide perspectives from suburban school districts and ensure that the needs of students in suburban school districts are considered.
  • Provide opportunities for school board members, superintendents, and other staff members in suburban school districts to network and exchange ideas to improve education for the diverse student populations served in suburban school districts.